Book your travel below or by calling 0220 242 500.
Start by Selecting your zone
If you are unsure of which zone to select you can check our zone map here
Zone 1 Route
$10.00 For addresses approx. 10km from Feilding return -
Zone 2 Route
$25.00 For addresses approx. 11-30km from Feilding return. -
Zone 3 Route
$30.00 For addresses approx. 31km+ from Feilding return.
Your booking will be confirmed within 24 hours of us receiving your request.
Our route is calculated each day based on the bookings received. Your pick-up time will be confirmed by email by 5pm the day before your date of travel.
Booking advice
Please submit your booking request by 12pm the day before your date of travel at the latest. Next-day service can’t be guaranteed so we advise booking at least one week in advance to ensure availability.
We take bookings on a first-in, first-served basis. If you have a fixed appointment time, please book as soon as your appointment is confirmed to ensure we’re able to accommodate your needs and advise us of your appointment time and location in your booking request.
Our service coordinator will respond within 24 hours to arrange payment and confirm your booking. If your date of travel can’t be accommodated for any reason our coordinator will call you to arrange an alternative day.
Our route is calculated each day based on the bookings received. Your pick-up time will be confirmed by email by 5pm the day before your date of travel.
Fare Zones Map
Check out the map below to see our fare zones. Click on the icon on the top left to open the legend for the zones. Click on the icon in the top right to view in full screen and search for your address.
Travel as a group and save!
Pay one fare for up to four people from the same pick-up location.
Need transport for a weekend community activity? Contact page to make an enquiry
Rural Bus Manawatū is operated by the Rural Bus Manawatū Trust, charity registration CC62394.